Easily charged

Pluginvest supports companies towards a sustainable transportation. We offer various charging solutions. With our extensive range of charging stations and accompanying services, we take all the work out of companies' hands when making the switch to electric mobility.

I am looking for a solution for...


Discover our charging solutions with their complementary products and services for your company’s Fleet. 

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Find out more about our products and services of our charging solutions for your residential parking. Discover how Pluginvest can assist you with the transition.

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Discover which benefits a partnership with Pluginvest can have for your automotive or installation company.

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Private person

Discover our charging solutions with their complementary products and services for your company’s Fleet. 

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Charging-as- a-Service

We offer a unique monthly renting formula for charging solutions. Find out more about CaaS.

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A total solution for your specific needs

Safety is a guarantee

Before you start a charging session, the station will perform several security checks while communicating with your vehicle and possible Direct Current leaks are also monitored throughout.

Various charging powers

Pluginvest offers multiple charging stations with different charging powers ranging from 3,7kW to 22kW, to even 350kW (DC charging stations). It is also possible to adjust the maximum power in relation to the capacity of your electric network (e.g. 6,6kW).

Billing via the energymeter

By recording and monitoring the usage of every charging station online, your personal usage can be billed precisely so that you can keep oversight of your usage and expenses more easily.


Get the most out of your charging station with one of our optional management systems or services. These additional services will make your charging stations or network SMART and future-proof.

Our products

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Pluginvest takes care of the entire installation from the very first technical audit to the independent inspection. We do this both for charging stations at your employees' homes and for charging stations in your company's car park.

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Discover all the most recent developments in the EV industry and get new insights into the switch to eMobility.

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