Buying a charge card for your electric car: What criteria are important?

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular and it is no surprise why. They are more fuel-efficient, quieter and better for the environment than traditional cars. One of the challenges in driving an electric car is finding the right charge card to suit your needs and requirements. Here are some important criteria to consider when finding the best charge card for your electric car.

Charging network coverage

One of the most important considerations when choosing a charge card is the coverage of the loading network. It is important to choose a card that gives you access to a wide network of charging stations, so that you have enough options to avoid running out of power while driving. For example, some cards only cover the Benelux, but many providers have an extensive network across Europe.


Another important criteria is pricing. Look at the subscription fees, the price per kWh and any additional charges that apply, such as transaction fees. Also be careful of 'hidden' costs, which only become visible at the monthly settlement and can turn out to be higher than expected.

Extra benefits

Some charge cards offer additional benefits, such as discounts on other products and services, a free app, access to fast chargers and so on. Often companies also receive a discount when ordering large quantities of cards.


The user-friendliness of the charge card can also be important. Look at the availability of an app, the user interface and ease of payment (monthly or yearly billed). A good card should be easy to use and provide a seamless experience.

Customer service

Finally, it is important to look at the customer service offered by the provider of the charge card. This can vary from telephone support to an online chat function. It is important to know that you will be helped quickly when needed.

When choosing the best charging card for your electric car, there are several criteria to consider. It is important to consider charging network coverage, pricing, charging time and speed, extra benefits, user-friendliness and customer service. So thoroughly compare different charging passes to find the best option for you.

Most popular providers:


  •  6 euro a month

  • 10 % of total transaction costs

  • 130.000 public charging points in Europe

  • An app to easily find charging locations 

Shell recharge

  • maximum 7 euros per month

  • App with access to more than 250,000 charging points in Europe

  • Delivered within 5 working days 


  • 3.75 euros per month

  • Free app 

  • Access to more than 275,000 public charging points in Belgium and Europe

  • Delivered within 3 working days


  • 1.99 euros per month invoiced annually

  • 600 DATS 24- charging points in Belgium

  • Access to European network

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